Dominic and April Hoy at corn husk table
Connie Chavez and Vera Torres
Anita Gerlach with grass wrapping
Anita Gerlach with grass wrapping
Bobbi Baca working on Zia
Seed table, it's hard to believe
Mallory White Glues individual leaves
Strategicly placed big yellow Tourism Bus
Marian this is Beverly -- our behind the scenes Fiesta Floats contact
Claudia Mathes crushed split peas and white glue
In the Red Fiesta Floats jackets Eli and Ryan, the float Supervisors (Bosses and inspectors)
Day 3 --Straw flowers galore, glue on individual eucalyptus leaves, using a blender to get yellow straw flowers fine enough to get on a small (properly colored) Zia. Spiders covered with dark mustard seed now have a fuzzy layer of thistle seed. The yucca stalks now have corn husks on them and detail work continues on the signs. More great New Mexico volunteers arrived and the principal food vendor for the float decorators main chef is from New Mexico. The Big Yellow NM Tourism Bus arrived and all the float viewers will be walking right past it. Many of the decorators on the other floats having been asking about New Mexico and places to visit. Every one of the NM Volunteers have been terrific ambassadors for the Land of Enchantment. More Photos...
Sue Peterson with Golden Flax seed and Barley Seed Sign
Sue Peterson with Golden Flax seed and Barley Seed Sign
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